Favorite Characters

This here's a page of all my favorite fictional characters.

Some will most likely have their own pages, some not. Maybe all. We'll see.

Luther (Lutéro Perez)

Origin: The Familiar

Description: Luther, full name Lutéro Perez, is a Mexican-American gangster living in Los Angeles, and one of the main nine narrators. With tattoos covering his body, including his face, his appearence is a dead giveaway he's the one who calls the shots in his crew- besides his boss Teyo, of course. Violent, hypersexual, often misogynistic- he's like how certain HoL fans perceive Johnny Truant, but A) actually true, and B) even worse.

Why Favorite?: With a description like that, you might find it real difficult to see how Luther could be anyone's favorite, let alone mine. And to tell you the truth, he didn't start out as one. I didn't dislike him, despite how intentionally reprehensible his character is- I even enjoyed his chapters even Before, like in Vol3 but I wasn't obsessed with him like I am now.

But, y'see, at the time I was pretty obsessed with Jingjing, another narrator in TF, who lives in Singapore, acts as a translating assistant to an old lady, and is a drug addict who relapses throughout the events of the series. My interest in him has waned slightly in wake of recent obsessions, but his unnatural affinity with languages, along with his struggles with his addiction and the brief glimpses of his past (for example, he apparently used to hook for cash) still has me thinking about him.

So you can imagine my surprise and delight when, in Vol4, Luther and Jingjing had a brief encounter with each other. It's brief for sure- only a few pages, and they don't interact again- but what I got from it pretty much created one of the few fictional ships I have. With this, I began taking more notice of Luther's chapters and realizing how much depth he has. His lack of skill in fluent Spanish, a surprisingly gentle side (best shown in his encounter with Domingo's mother) that he deliberately overshadows by his violent nature, and the potential of him being a heavily closeted bisexual... well, I hope this gave you an idea as to why he became one of my favorites.

With Luther, I gave him a lot of (seemingly) random headcanons and AUs, to the point I worry he's become less the canon character and more of an OC. But it's fun, so who cares? Check the main page for Luther (NOT MADE YET) for more.

Melusine (Fairy Knight/Tam Lim Lancelot)

Origin: Fate/Grand Order (Lostbelt 6: Avalon le Fae)

Description: A Fairy Knight who serves Queen Morgan in the British Lostbelt, crowned with the name Tam Lim Lancelot. Her True Name is actually Melusine... except, not quite. The name given to her is Melusine, but she's not at all associated with the water spirit: rather, she's the left claw of the dragon Albion, a greater dragon and considered a super-existence among the dragons, almost like a kind of dragon god. No wonder she's known as the strongest Tam Lim in the Britbelt.

As for how she got her name, that came from a fairy named Aurora coming across the sentient combination of Albion's remains and Faerie curses and naming her Melusine. From then on, Melusine became the sworn protector of Aurora- kind of a bad thing, though, since Aurora turns out to be especially as much, if not more, of a scumbag as most other Fae. So this basically amounts to Melusine committing deeds like slaughtering Lostbelt Gareth, the Mirror Clan, and betraying Morgan. Even though Melusine knows what she's doing is wrong, her undying devotion to Aurora will have the former serve the latter to the very end. Even her backstabbing of Aurora is born out of love, a mercy kill. And with that, Melusine succumbs to her fate as the mindless Calamity of Flames, only briefly brought back to clarity by her 'brother', Percival dies fighting her. Her last moments were spent as Albion, flying through the horizon.

Why Favorite?: First things first: Melusine is fucking cool. She's the first Servant with two different NPs, a single-target Arts for first/second, and AoE buster for third, with one of her skills allowing her to switch to her third. Her animations still hold up today, especially her third ascension. Speaking of, all her Ascensions rule: the armored knight, the dashing prince(ess) skirt, and especially her dragon form (applies to her summer variant too). I personally prefer the second one, especially with the veil. And the scribbly face on one of her sprites... how could I not love her?! Shame her summer variant don't have that...

Also, her voiceline for one of her first/second Ascension Extra Attacks is so fucking raw my god.

She also cleanly walks the line between a goofy/dorkish and tragic/well-fleshed out character. She threatens to destroy Chaldea when she learns her Master has to work on their birthday. She's loyal to the end with Aurora despite knowing the latter resents her. She can't swim. She is saddened when she sees Chaldea's Percival, knowing he is not the one she raised. She thinks 'lover' and 'spouse' are two different things, truly showing she earned the name of Lancelot. Her last moments were flying through the horizon.


Origin: Arknights

Description: Saga is a Perro warrior monk that wandered into Rhodes Island and subsequently got employed there. Found by monks in a Higashi temple, she was raised there until she was old enough to go off on her own. She then got trapped in Dusk's paintings for about ten years. In gameplay, she's a Vanguard.

Why Favorite?: She's so goofy. And loud. Really loud. The spammable kind of loud, too. Very hungry, spiritually-enlightened doggo. Also love how she speaks so archaic in the ENG translation, which is an interesting way to translate it, but fun nonetheless, so I accept it.

Her art's pretty good, too, especially her E2 art. Skin's pretty good too, if only because we got a whole Saga family made of herself. Can never have too many Saga's.

Goldia die Heilige

Origin: Pocket Mirror

Description: Goldia is the protagonist of 2016 RPGmaker game Pocket Mirror, along with its 2023 remake Goldenertraum. Initially her true name is unknown due to being an amnesiac, but as she traverses through the mindscape she is stuck in, she slowly recovers her memories, especially thanks to meeting her alters. In the good endings, she breaks free and wakes up to the real world, or even a better one. In the neutral and

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